Stock Calculator is very handy tool while trading. Every successful trader will put stop loss and take profit levels after taking a position in the stock. This discipline helps him to earn money consistently. Manually calculating the stop loss and take profit using calculator is not helpful as every second will be important in trading.
Stock calculator provides many useful calculators at your fingertip -
1. Risk-Reward Calculator
* Select trade type ( Buy/Sell )
* Enter the Stock value
* With preset stoploss and target percentages you will get the stoploss and target levels
* Risk-Reward to reward ratio will be displayed as well
* You can also input your custom stoploss and target levels to get their respective percentages
2. Pivot Points Calculator
* Enter Open, High, Low and Close values
* Calculator provides the 3 sets of Support and Resistance levels
3. Fibonacci Calculator
* Select the trend type(Uptrend or Downtrend)
* Enter High, Low values
* Calculator will display the Fibonacci levels which are used to find the support and resistance levels
4. Stock Average Calculator
* Enter multiple entry Price and Quantity
* Calculator will display total Quantity and Average purchase price
5. Profit/Loss Calculator
* Enter Buy Price, Sell Price and Quantity
* Calculator will display profit or loss amount
6. SIP Calculator
* Enter monthly investment, Time duration and Annual growth rate
* Calculator will display Amount invested, Interest earned and Total future value.
7. Position Size
* Enter Account Size, Risk Per Trade %, Entry Price, Stop Loss Price, Target Price
* Calculator will display Number Of Shares, Position Size, Profit/Loss Points, Risk-Reward Ratio
Trade wisely using Stock Calculator.